Sky Care Catering Services LTD is the sole 100% privately owned In-Flight Catering Company in Nigeria. The company is known for its commitment to safety, exceptional customer service, industry expertise, workforce development, cost

management, and state-of-the-art facilities. We provide meals for a significant portion of domestic flights, charter flights, VIP, VVIP, and international flights in Nigeria, producing over 1.3 million meals annually.

Established in 1997, the company operates in the aviation sector, servicing both domestic and international airlines within Nigeria.


Sky Care Catering Services LTD operates 5 international standard In-Flight Catering facilities:

Sky Care Locations





   ¾      Murtala Muhammed International Airport Lagos - In-Flight Catering

              ¾      Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja - In-Flight Catering

              ¾      Aminu Kano International Airport , Kano - In-Flight Catering

              ¾      Kaduna Airport, Kaduna - In-Flight Catering

              ¾      Port Harcourt International Airport – Port Harcourt - In-Flight Catering









At Sky Care Catering Services, We uphold the highest standards of food safety, quality, and excellence in everything we do. We respect our customers, employees, suppliers, and stakeholders, and conduct our business with integrity, fairness, and ethics. We exceed the expectations of our customers, by understanding their needs and preferences. We work together as a team, with collaboration, communication, and mutual support, and recognize the contributions and achievements of each member. We embrace change and adapt swiftly to evolving customer preferences and market dynamics. We are committed to continuous improvement and learning, seeking opportunities to refine our processes and exceed industry standards. We are accountable for our actions and results, and are transparent, honest, and ethical in all our dealings.

  • Food Safety: Ensuring that the food served onboard is prepared, stored, and delivered in accordance with the highest standards of hygiene and quality.
  • Quality: Delivering consistent and high-quality products and services, by using the best ingredients, equipment, and processes, and adhering to the international standards and regulations.
  • Excellence: striving to be the best in the industry, with continuous improvement, creativity, and innovation.
  • Integrity: conducting business with honesty, fairness, and ethics, respecting the customers, employees, suppliers, and stakeholders.
  • Customer Focus: Exceeding the expectations of the customers, by understanding their needs and preferences, and providing them with personalized and attentive service.
  • Teamwork: working together as a team, with collaboration, communication, and mutual support, and recognizing the contributions and achievements of each member.
  • Adaptability: We embrace change and adapt swiftly to evolving customer preferences and market dynamics.
  • Continuous Improvement: We are committed to ongoing learning and improvement, seeking opportunities to refine our processes and exceed industry standards.
  • Accountability: taking responsibility for the actions and results, and being transparent, honest, and ethical in all dealings with the customers, employees, suppliers, and stakeholders.



In our relentless pursuit of excellence, our business has set forth a clear and ambitious set of goals and objectives.

 Seek a 15% year-over-year revenue growth

Move strategically to new regions and markets.

Achieve a customer satisfaction rating of 95% or higher.

Reformulate strategies to surpass ISO 22000:2018 standards.

Transcend in specific catering niches or regions, using our established reputation for excellence to claim market leadership.



Sky Care Catering Services is always pursuing a growth strategy that includes:

Grow by establishing new branches and gaining access to new markets.

Optimize our strategy by exploring international expansion, initiating with neighboring markets and progressively broadening our outreach.

Advance skills and job satisfaction through the initiation of a comprehensive employee development program.

Leverage strategic acquisition opportunities to fortify our presence and capabilities.



Sky Care Catering Services Ltd shall ensure to provide our customers with hygienically safe and wholesome food products by ensuring that the production unit is free from physical, chemical and microbiological hazards in order to comply with Customer, International Flight Services Association guidelines for airline catering and other applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. The company will continuously implement and document a food safety management system which shall consist of a Hazard Analysis and Critical control Points, standard catering prerequisites and operating prerequisites programmes as well as other requirements of ISO 22000: 2018 standard. Sky Care Catering Services Ltd will train and motivate her employees to continuously maintain and improve ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System effectiveness. The management of Sky Care Catering Services shall ensure that this policy is understood, communicated, demonstrated and implemented throughout the organization.



At Sky Care Catering Services, We commit to deliver excellence in in-flight catering services. We promise culinary craftsmanship that elevates dining experiences, unwavering quality, and timely, reliable delivery synchronized with flight schedules. We promise to ensure the well-being of passengers and crew. We promise exceptinal customer service, continuous improvement, and trusted partnerships , all fueled by a passion for innovation. At Sky Care Catering Services we promise to provide not just a catering service but a memorable, safe, and exceptional dining experience at 30,000 fee above ground.

